Vampire Loads: Keep Your Appliances From Draining Your Electricity And Wallet Dry

If you notice small increases in your electric bill, take a look at the vampire loads around your home. Vampire loads, or phantom loads, describe appliances and fixtures that continuously use electricity, even after you turn them off. Over time, the small increases in your electric bill can quickly become a huge expense on your budget. You can lower your electrical expenses by controlling when and how vampire loads operate.

What Vampire Loads Should You Look For?

The vampire loads in your home can be as small and insignificant as a bedroom nightlight or as large and taxing as your washer machine and refrigerator. All of these appliances have the potential to stay on and use electricity long after you switch them off.

Vampire appliances generally use standby operations or modes to stay operational, including alarm clocks and dryers. The standby modes allow you to use the appliance at any given time. If you leave for work or a long trip, the the appliances can slowly suck your electricity and wallet dry.

Below is a short list of appliances that steal electricity:

  1. Washer and dryer
  2. Microwave and coffee maker
  3. Electric tools
  4. Hair dryers and curling irons
  5. Nightlights that detect movement
  6. Televisions, DVD players, and game consoles

After you identify the vampire loads in your house, take steps to control their usage. You can unplug some of the smallest appliances, such as your hair dryer and coffee maker, to save electricity. However, unplugging large appliances may cause some problems with them. You can solve this issue by installing a home automation system in your home.

How Do You Control the Vampire Loads in Your Home?

A home automation system allows you to monitor and control multiple appliances and systems in your home. Most home automation systems connect directly to smart devices for easier control. Some home automation systems allow you to "kill" power to your phantom loads during certain times of the day and night without disrupting power to important systems such as your security alarm.

You can also monitor your electricity to see if it decreases or increases. If your expenses increase, you can look over your the data from your home automation system for the source of the increase. You can then take steps to reduce or cut the appliance's vampire load.

If you're ready to control your vampire loads or improve your electrical use, contact a home automation and security provider today.
